How Long Does It Take for Results of a Background Check?

Data checks are a matter of routine today in the pre-employment process. The growth of technology and the post-9/11 concerns about security have converged to make background checks a commonplace. For a company in the hiring process, a sense of expediency can often be a requirement once a candidate is selected for consideration.

Typically, a company spends a considerable amount of time and money to bring onboard a new employee and the candidate’s background check is but one strategic measure used to eliminate the risk of a wrong decision as well as reveal conflicts or concerns about the potential hire. Therefore, making the background check process accurate and fast is important even though a variety of factors are examined.

Once a pre-employment candidate has authorized permission for a background check (as required by law), the turnaround time varies. It depends on the type of search conducted, as well as the company which provides it. For example, a courthouse record or motor vehicle record check can take minimal time while a trace on a social security number, a criminal record check, drug and health screening and other records may take longer.

The time can range from three days to 30 days. The biggest time-delay is incorrectly filled forms.

In addition to the applicant’s age factor (the younger, the less history to review), legal compliance to your state laws plays a role.

If you want to receive the most accurate information expediently, it pays to build an on-going B2B relationship with one agency, such as Data Screening, for your investigations. Just as with other business relationships, familiarity with expectations and preferences help assure quality, attention, and efficiency.


Data Screening is a Certified Women’s Business Enterprise that has offered business-to-business employment and tenant screenings to human resource professionals and business owners, including staffing companies, for two decades. Among other organizations, they are members of the New Jersey Staffing Alliance, the Society for Human Resource Management and the National Association of Professional Background Screeners. How may we help you today?


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